Turning Word Docs into Schoology Quizzes

Already have quizzes you’ve created in a Word doc? There’s an easy way to automatically turn them into Schoology Quizzes. Follow the steps below and watch the magic unfold.

  1. Open your Word doc or Google Doc that is a quiz.

2. Copy everything (use the keyboard shortcut CTRL and C to copy)

3. Go to a Blackboard quiz generator. Here’s one I tested out (shared by our Schoology guru): BB Quiz Generator

4. Give the quiz a name and paste your quiz (use the keyboard shortcut CTRL and V to paste). Make sure you double check for the formatting, otherwise some won’t be able to be viewed as question. Check out these tips for formatting: CSI BB Formatting

5. Click Create Quiz. 

6. At the bottom you will see “You seemed to have X questions. The package is available here.” Click the word here. 

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7. Voila. You now have a zipped file in your downloads.

8. Now go to Schoology. In a course, select Add Materials.

9. Select Test/Quiz and give it a name and select the settings that work best for you.

10. Choose Add Question.

11. Select Import Test/Quiz


12. Select Blackboard 

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13. Select the file icon and choose the zipped file in your downloads. Hit Import. 

screenshot-app.schoology.com 2016-11-10 13-30-40.png

Magic in front of your own eyes.